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Translating the Dappnode Documentation

So far we have added two additional languages to the documentation. If you want to help us by translating the documentation, you can do that via the Crowdin platform as shown below.

Project Overview

Access our Crowdin project here

Prerequisites for doing so:

  • A Crowdin account

Available languages

On the Crowdin project page you will see the available languages which you can contribute to:

Files to be translated

Once you have selected the language, you will see a tree-style directory view of all the files containing the documentation. You can also see two additional statistics:

  • Words translated: words that have been translated by someone. They represent the blue part of the bar.
  • Words approved: words that have been translated and someone confirmed that the translation is accurate. They represent the green part of the bar.

Below you can see an example for the spanish translation.

Translating and voting

Selecting a file

Now you can navigate to a file that you wish to translate and click on the name of the file ( in the example).

Here we can see 2 different highlighted sections:

  • Red highlight: Text that has not been translated yet.
  • Green highlight: Text that has already been translated.

On this page you can translate the content and/or vote/approve a translation.

Adding your translation to the documentation

A file is divided into strings or phrases. You need to click on the string or phrase you wish to translate.

If I want to translate the following string: This documentation has 4 types of content depending on what you want to do:, I click on it and the text shows up in the Source string box:

Translate the sentence on the right panel, under Enter translation here, and click on the SAVE button.

Maintaining the formatting and style of the original text

If the original text has style tags like those in the example:
<strong x-id="1">Get Started</strong> : you can find what you need to run a Dappnode, hardware recommendations or how to get Dappnode hardware.

You will need to keep those tags and make them work in your translation.

To do so, copy those tags <strong x-id="1">Get Started</strong> and change the content inside of them. Rearrange them if needed. In this example, the result would be something like this:

<strong x-id="1">Iniciación</strong> : you can find what you need to run a Dappnode, hardware recommendations or how to get Dappnode hardware.

Approve existing translations or submit a change

In case there's already an existing translation, you will be able to suggest an alternative translation or to approve the translation. To do this, select the green/blue highlighted string and upvote/downvote the translation; or suggest an alternative translation.